Step 1
Before you start
Before you start submitting a timesheet, please make sure you’ve done the following:
Step 2
Access the online timesheet form
With all the prior stages completed, you’re now ready to raise a timesheet for your worker(s).
Simply go to our online timesheet and complete the form to submit a timesheet for up to five workers at a time.
Step 3
Don’t forget
Don’t forget to fill in all the required information, including the name of the client company, the client contact name, and their email address.
Step 4
Submit the timesheet
Once you click ‘Submit for approval’ the online timesheet will be sent to the client to review and approve.
Step 5
Client approval
After the client digitally signs the online timesheet, a PDF of the completed timesheet will be sent back to the client, and to Recruit Ready so that we can process the timesheet.